Other than my parents, Graham Maxwell has had the greatest influence in my spiritual life. He was the one who cemented and completed my journey to having God as a close friend. The good news is that there is no need to be afraid of God. He is not arbitrary, unforgiving, and severe. I am sad that Dr. Maxwell's life has come to an end, however, I am grateful that Pine Knoll has recorded an extensive library of Graham's teaching. I know that my grandchildren and others will be thrilled with the same voice and logic and truths that I learned from. I first sat in his classes as a medical student and was reassured by his statement that those who are safe to save will be in heaven. I was a fan of Dr. Maxwell and transcribed his Loma Linda University Church sermons, "God's Respect for Sinners" and "The Sabbath Sums up the Good News". I gave them several times as sermons of my own. But it took 14-1/2 years for me to catch on to Graham's Larger View. In fact, I went to Dr. Maxwell's weekend program in April 1988 at the Minneapolis First Church. I sat on the edge of my seat and drank in every word that he said, and I still missed what he was trying to teach me and others. Later on that same summer I had my "Ah–ha" moment when I was listening to a set of Sabbath School tapes that someone had given to me. Then I shared the Trust Healing Plan of Salvation with my family and my brothers and their families. Then I learned how to share it with other people. In his tapes I have learned by his example to respect other people and their opinions. As a friend of God, I believe that he had learned to be like God. And I have learned many favorite Maxwell sayings which are important parts of the over all picture of God in all 66 Books of the Bible. Many of his and my favorite sayings are also Ellen White quotes and Bible texts.
The following are some of Maxwell's sayings:
- Those who are safe to save will be in heaven.
- God not arbitrary, unforgiving, and severe.
- God is like an infallible physician making recommendations for best living and for healing.
- Jesus is not pleading with God, God and Jesus are both pleading for us.
- God will be crying over the final loss of his rebellious children.
- No longer do I call you servants, but rather I call you friends, because friends understand.
- Jesus is not pleading with God, God and Jesus are both pleading for us.
- We need to stop using dark speech and learn to explain truths clearly.
- Justification and Sanctification are the same as Set Right and Kept Right.
- Faith, Trust, and Belief are from the same Greek word "Pistis".
- We cannot judge others by what they do and say because only God knows their inner thoughts.
- It is OK to question God as God's friend Moses did.
- All of the difficult Bible stories make more sense in setting of the Great Controversy.
- God values nothing higher than our freedom, dignity, and individuality.
- A sullen submission to the will of the Father will develop the character of a rebel.
- It is a law that by beholding we become changed.
- It is a law that we will become like the God we worship and admire.
- What God desires is for us to do right because we are convinced that it is right.
- Atonement means to be at one (in union with).
- Not by might nor by power, not even God's might or power, can we teach God's love.
- Jesus persuades by truth and evidence, not personal authority and power.
- God does not desire obedience that springs from fear or obligation.
- Jesus persuades by truth and evidence, not personal authority and power.
- Love and Trust cannot be commanded or produced by force or fear.
- God has made emergency use of law because we needed it.
- God can and will save all who trust Him.
- The Bible should be studied as a whole.
- We will best understand God by studying all 66 books of the Bible.
- The Great Controversy is about the character of God and what kind of person he is.
- Christ came primarily to reveal the truth about God.
- God does not ask us to believe without evidence.
- The plan of salvation involves everyone in the whole universe.
- The Wrath of God is God simply leaving his children (who don't want him anyway) to reap the awful consequences of separation from God.
- The sinner will die but it won't be at the hands of an angry God.
- The angels also needed the message of the cross.
- The sinner will die the same death that Christ died on the cross.
- The Jews who crucified Christ were the best 7th day sabbath keeping, tithe paying, health reforming, Bible quoting seventh-day adventists that the world has ever seen.
Larry Christensen
Pipestone MN