My heart is broken to hear of Graham's death. He pointed me to such a wonderful, intelligent, kind and powerful God. I couldn't help admiring and loving a God like that. I am so thankful for his ministry. I feel like I've temporarily lost another father again, for my own died a few years ago. Graham's kind instruction, tactful suggestions on looking and searching Scripture, having the freedom to ask question's of God, seeing more clearly how God treated mankind through the centuries, weighing the evidence leads me to want to carry the torch of the good news about God with even more focus. I see him as one of God's great friends, right there with Abraham, Daniel, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, John and Paul. I look forward to seeing them all visiting together with our loving God some day.
May God continue to bless and give you all peace and strength, as you continue this important ministry.
Love in Him,
Nancy Wageman