When I think of Graham, the first thing I think of is the gracious way he spoke of others. There were times when Graham would mention someone that I know from personal experience to be an absolute stinker, but Graham would select words to describe those same traits that made them sound almost like virtues. I marveled at him. Even his detractors were spoken of with respect. I never heard him bad-mouth anyone.
He was superb also as a teacher of Greek. It is possible nowadays to study Greek, or anything else, on the internet, by correspondence, or DIY with a book and recordings. Graham's Greek classes were so much more. Interwoven with the Greek itself was a constant flow of academic tidbits, Christian church history, denominational history, personal experiences and general good humor, combined with a fervor for the Greek itself. His classes were an enrichment experience far beyond simply learning Greek.
As Jesus said of John the Baptist, he was a burning and a shining light. He will be missed.
Jo Mae Robinson