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Each night he spoke... Print

Back in the mid eighties, 1980’s that is, Dr. Maxwell came to Florida for Camp Meeting.  He was the featured speaker each evening and he had prepared a brand new series entitled “Servants or Friends”.

Fred and I were honored to have him and his side-kick Cherie Kirk over for dinner at the start of the series.

Upon arrival at our house, he spotted our billiards table and asked Fred if he were up to a game later on that evening.   Cherie quickly reminded him of an article overdue to the publisher, an article he had promised to have completed before the end of the week.   He realized he needed to finish the article and looked forward to a game when his article was finished.

Each night he spoke the camp meeting crowd loved his message.  Following the meetings there was always a long line of people waiting to ask questions and discuss his presentations.   Saturday night was the final scheduled meeting and before it began he told us that his article was complete.   Of course we were delighted that he would be coming over later that evening.

When the meeting concluded he left the platform and arrived at our house shortly after we did.  Time for billiards.  Fred asked him to break which he did pocketing a ball.  He then proceeded to clear the table.   Thinking it was probably a fluke, Fred smiled and said, “Go ahead and break again.”  Which he did with the same results!   But this time he did it with the cue behind his back, calling balls and pockets in rapid succession.  On the third round he finally missed a shot and Fred joined the game.

Donna Haerich

Lucas, Anton, Anja
Sharon and Sohail
Irene and Benjamin Tang
Dan and Elissa Kido, Erica Bateman
Noah and Sharon
Pine Knoll Publications
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