Graham will be missed! Dr. Ralph Thompson told me recently how Dr. Hinshaw would host meetings at his house with Graham as the speaker after move from White Memorial to Loma Linda. Many physicians attended these Bible studies week after week, and the meetings had much to do with creating an ‘esprit de corps’ at Loma Linda and with keeping people in the church who might otherwise have drifted away. The memory that stands out the most in my mind comes from a sermon Graham preached in University Church in May, 1980, on the rape of the concubine in Judges 19. Aside from telling the story in a gripping way, he read the statements from EGW about the crisis in the government of God, a crisis among the loyal angels. He also pointed out that bad people assaulted the concubine from Bethlehem, but it was the good people who were implacably hostile to that other child from Bethlehem. My thinking on this subject was already in motion, but this message was nevertheless transformative. To this day it remains at the center of my sense of identity as a Seventh-day Adventist. Next to the birth of our oldest daughter, it is my strongest and most enduring memory of my educational experience at Loma Linda University.
Please convey our love, sadness, and gratitude to Graham’s family.
Grace and peace, Sigve