Greetings, Pine Knoll Family | ||
Written by Pine Knoll Publications |
Greetings, Pine Knoll family...
NEW: Q1 2025's Sabbath School Study, "God’s Love and Justice" is partially available (#1-#6):
- https://pkp.cc/20251 (MP3)
- https://pkp.cc/20251yt (YouTube)
- https://pkp.cc/20251vimeo (Vimeo)
- https://pkp.cc/20251sn (Study Notes)
Q4 2024's Sabbath School Study, "Themes in the Gospel of John" is available:
All talks from Jon Paulien's "The God of the Bible" series are available:
The gift book offer continues:
- Conversations About God
- Servants or Friends? Another Look at God
- ¿Siervos o Amigos?
- Can God be Trusted?
- Be Careful Who You Trust
You are welcome to email if you would like a gift books. We have two email addresses for contact here at pineknoll.org. Feel free to reach out at any time if you have questions or requests:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To download of the Conversations About God book electronic formats...
These "force" a download:
- EPUB: https://legacy.pineknoll.org/phputil/forceupload.php?file=resources/audio/cag/Conversations%20About%20God.epub
- PDF: https://legacy.pineknoll.org/phputil/forceupload.php?file=resources/audio/cag/Conversations%20About%20God.pdf
These are direct links, which may or may not be treated by your device as download links:
- EPUB: https://legacy.pineknoll.org/resources/audio/cag/Conversations%20About%20God.epub
- PDF: https://legacy.pineknoll.org/resources/audio/cag/Conversations%20About%20God.pdf
Thinking of you, wishing you every joy in this new year,
Your Pine Knoll Family
What We Believe | ||
Written by Graham Maxwell |
What We Believe -- A message from Graham Maxwell
I believe that the most important of all Christian beliefs is the one that brings joy and assurance to God's friends everywhere -- the truth about our Heavenly Father that was confirmed at such cost by the life and death of His Son.
God is not the kind of person His enemies have made Him out to be -- arbitrary, unforgiving and severe. Jesus said, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." God is just as loving and trustworthy as His Son, just as willing to forgive and heal. Though infinite in majesty and power, our Creator is an equally gracious Person who values nothing higher than the freedom, dignity, and individuality of His intelligent creatures -- that their love, their faith, their willingness to listen and obey may be freely given. He even prefers to regard us not as servants but as friends.
This is the truth revealed through all the books of Scripture. This is the everlasting Good News that wins the trust and admiration of God's loyal children throughout the universe.
Like Abraham and Moses -- the ones God spoke of as His trusted friends -- God's friends today want to speak well and truly of our Heavenly Father. We covet as the highest of all commendations the words of God about Job: "He has said of Me what is right."
How God Won His Case (Perceptions of a "Juror") | ||
Written by Graham Maxwell |
God may you "win your case when you go into court!"
Goodspeed's dramatic translation of Romans 3:4 matches Paul's use of David's prayer in Psalm 51:4. The apostle has raised the question, does the lack of faith among God's privileged people mean that God Himself cannot be trusted? "By no means! God must prove true, though every man be false; as the Scripture says, ‘That you may be shown to be right in what you say, and win your case when you go into court.'"
If God had not been accused, there would have been no need for Him to defend Himself. And just as the charges had been heard throughout the universe, so the answers must be publicly made known. When Daniel described a convening of the heavenly court, he emphasized the open presentation of the evidence. A hundred million watched as "the court sat in judgement, and the books were opened" (Daniel 7:10, RSV).