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{media_desc_1} {media_desc_2} {media_desc_3} {media_desc_4} By {author}
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{title} {group_sequence} {recorded_date/@d_mmm_yyyy}{recorded_date/@mmm_yyyy}{recorded_date/@yyyy} 
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{media_desc_1} {media_desc_2} {media_desc_4} Talk #{group_sequence} {title} By {author} (Recorded {recorded_date/@d_m_d_yyyy}{recorded_date/@m_yyyy}{recorded_date/@yyyy} -- {length/@hh_mm_ss}) Study help in Adobe Acrobat® Format

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Why two download links? The type in the table was created to simplify sharing a direct link to a specific talk. The other one tries to immediately force a download, saving you from having to right-click and then choose your browser's download option.

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Jeri, Jerry and Sharon,  Carmen
Lynn Ortega and Joan Taylor
Andrea Sayler
Treva Webster and Joan Gordon Macintosh
Lucas, Jeremy, Lyla Oms
Pine Knoll Publications
Latest Talks
The Picture of God in All 66
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File Type: MP3 MP3 (High Quality)
Graham leads a book by book study through the entire Bible, asking of every story, teaching, and event, "What does this reveal to us about God?"