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Graham has been with me every day of my life... Print

Graham has been with me every day of my life since I have known  him..I grew up in a sad family of five children who were caught up on the tragic dynamics of alcoholism and I am the only one who isn’t dead  or an alcoholic . I think he noticed I was a bit at loose ends . Graham (in his delightful, amusing way) always had kind, encouraging words for me(in his beautiful voice) and helped me with confidence and a feeling that I was capable and could do anything I wanted to do . I sometimes felt at a loss when raising my kids and I asked him the ‘secret’ . He said “…just listen,…….. put your hands in your lap and  be still until they are finished talking”  He told me my husband looked like he was a happy man which made me feel so proud. I think love is healing and  Graham had so much love to give out and  I was a recipient. My husband and  I are very happy and blessed and are the  proud parents of two happy, successful kids who believe in God. I am a firm Christain now. When I met Graham and Cherie I was confused about my faith and they both had a profound influence on me. I hope I am passing along God’s love that they poured on to me.

Love Always ,

Susan Kelley Harkey

He was the most gracious, humble, God-like person... Print

My favorite story is how I met Graham, but that would be lengthy to write.  I loved his voice; that's what got my attention when I first heard it, by accident.  I loved how he made sense of the bible to a "born and bred" Irish Catholic Girl, who couldn't make sense of it herself.  I loved his sense of humor.  I loved the little clearing of his throat, before saying something a bit "naughty" :-)    I loved how he never said a negative thing about another person or group.  He was the most gracious, humble, God-like person I have ever met.  Graham made a huge difference in my life, and helped me to be a better person.  I want to emulate him.  I will always love and miss my friend and spiritual mentor, A. Graham Maxwell.

Marti Macias

I was blessed by his tapes... Print

What sad news about Graham Maxwell he passed away, But we thank God for using him in tape ministries.

I was very blessed by his tapes (the picture of God in 66 books) and other series.

May God bless Maxwell's family

Yours in Christ:

Pastor  V.A Dlamini

He has been my spiritual father... Print

Ever since I attended Dr. Maxwell’s class in San Diego, he has been my spiritual father. The wise insights he shared have constantly brought balance and joy.  The exquisite courtesy he displayed – even to the least of the least - has never ceased to be a rich pleasure and inspiration.  I found I spontaneously desired to imitate him, as he did Christ.  Dr. Maxwell’s calm, dignified suffering during persecution, his delight in the God-given pleasures of laughter, love, beauty, and reason – these have shaped my perspectives as nothing else has.  When tempted to be discouraged, Mrs. White’s advice, “Look to the place where you last saw the light” flashes into my thoughts.  As a result, I often find myself reflecting upon insights that Dr. Maxwell shared.  I loved him so, and can’t wait to see him again.

Sue Lewis

Opened my eyes and heart... Print

It is with such sadness that I read of Graham's death.  But what a good thing to celebrate his life!  There has been no single person who has influenced every facet of my life more than Graham.  Sitting in the dental amphitheater for Sabbath School week after week throughout the 70's opened my eyes and heart to a God who could really be trusted.

Week after week Graham dealt so graciously with the "heckler" in the class, modeling God's graciousness before our eyes.  To say the least, I was impressed.  Bible study became fun and with new focus as I looked for the picture of God in every verse.  Surely Jesus will come personally to Graham in the kingdom and say those words he always longed to hear, "You said of me what was right."  I hope I can be in the clapping and cheering section for Graham when that happens!  May God continue to bless Pineknoll as you continue to share with the world his vision of a gracious and trustworthy God.

Liz Trupp

Look forward to the day... Print

We, the Sydney Blacktown S.D.A. Church Australia, look forward to the day that we will all meet around the great white Throne

Please pass our heart - felt condolences to the family of Dr. Graham Maxwell.

The church appreciates the C.D.'s so very much.

May God continue to bless your ministry. Our greetings to all and may 2011 be a happy and full of good health.

With Cordial Regards

Suresh Nirmal
Senior Elder Blacktown Church

I had my "ah-ha" moment... Print

Other than my parents, Graham Maxwell has had the greatest influence in my spiritual life.  He was the one who cemented and completed my journey to having God as a close friend.  The good news is that there is no need to be afraid of God.  He is not arbitrary, unforgiving, and severe.  I am sad that Dr. Maxwell's life has come to an end, however, I am grateful that Pine Knoll has recorded an extensive library of Graham's teaching.  I know that my grandchildren and others will be thrilled with the same voice and logic and truths that I learned from.  I first sat in his classes as a medical student and was reassured by his statement that those who are safe to save will be in heaven.  I was a fan of Dr. Maxwell and transcribed his Loma Linda University Church sermons, "God's Respect for Sinners" and "The Sabbath Sums up the Good News".  I gave them several times as sermons of my own.  But it took 14-1/2 years for me to catch on to Graham's Larger View.  In fact, I went to Dr. Maxwell's weekend program in April 1988 at the Minneapolis First Church.  I sat on the edge of my seat and drank in every word that he said, and I still missed what he was trying to teach me and others.  Later on that same summer I had my "Ah–ha" moment when I was listening to a set of Sabbath School tapes that someone had given to me.  Then I shared the Trust Healing Plan of Salvation with my family and my brothers and their families.  Then I learned how to share it with other people.  In his tapes I have learned by his example to respect other people and their opinions.  As a friend of God, I believe that he had learned to be like God.  And I have learned many favorite Maxwell sayings which are important parts of the over all picture of God in all 66 Books of the Bible.  Many of his and my favorite sayings are also Ellen White quotes and Bible texts.

The following are some of Maxwell's sayings:

What I love about Graham... Print

What I love about Graham:

  • His gentleness, even in the face of criticism, opposition, and attack, Graham always retained a composed dignity, a kind regard for others, and respect for each person.  In Graham I saw the gentleness of Jesus.
  • His willingness to hear and evaluate another person’s perspective. He never forced his opinion on others but allowed each person to think for himself and come to his own conclusions. He modeled intellectual integrity and practiced intellectual freedom, another beautiful example of Christ.
My understanding about God changed 360*... Print

It's a very SAD news, I can't believe that Dr Maxwell died

All his tapes and writings were an inspiration for me and others. Since 1985 when I got his tapes my understanding about GOD changed 360*.

We lost one Giant in theology and a great preacher of the Character of GOD.

May God bless his Family

Jorge Garcia

Important principles... Print

I will remember Graham as a friend of God, who continued making friends for God.  May we all carry forward that mission.

"The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love." COL p. 415

Casebook or codebook?

Servants or friends?

What does this tell us about the character of God?

Why did Jesus have to die?

are important principals I learned from listening to Graham's tapes which, thankfully are preserved at Pine Knoll.  Never afraid of any inquiry and always answering in kindness, his words will continue to change lives as they are drawn to a God of Love.

May we meet again!


I've learned more about God... Print

Years and years ago, some friends were talking about "meetings in heaven."  They had just been listening to a tape in which Dr. Maxwell, with his usual gentle wit, described Isaiah meeting Manasseh in heaven.  Here's a bit of their conversation which I remember very well:

Friend 1:  I want to be there when Dr. Provonsha and Paul meet in heaven, because I think Dr. Provonsha is just like Paul.

Friend 2:  Yes, and I want to be there when Dr. Maxwell and Jesus meet in heaven, because I think Dr. Maxwell is just like Jesus.

Dear Dr. Maxwell, you're my all-time favorite teacher, even though I never sat in your classroom.  I've learned more about God from you than from anyone else, and I ask God to bless you very much.  A thousand thanks for saying of Him what is right.  I look forward to meeting you again in heaven.


Giny McConathy

P.S.  I was Friend 2.  :-)

My thirsty soul drank in the truths... Print

You attended the medical ministerial retreat held by Atlantic Union Conference at Camp Berkshire in 1964. I sat thrilled for the five days you spoke revealing a God I didn’t know I was looking for. Hope, hope became a possibility.

I returned to Loma Linda University in 1967 and attended your Sabbath School class unless I was out of town. My thirsty soul drank in the truths you presented. At first it was too good to be true and I argued and fought. Then as its truth unfolded and its beauty became more and more precious

The picture of God I learned of... Print

Hi to my family at Pine Knoll

Over the last two years that I have been listening to Graham I have felt like I have been sitting at Jesus feet, just like Mary.

The picture of God I have learned of, has been like water to a dry sponge, I have just kept soaking it up. For the first time in my life I know the Gospel, it is about HIM and I have a sure Rock to cast my anchor on.

Thank you Graham for your ministry, thank you Pine Knoll family for your ministry in keeping Gods work going and telling so many of the true picture of God.

I am standing in the Gap of the broken walls of my marriage, and there is one quote of Grahams that I keep thinking of and repeating daily and it is this “God can heal all the damage done” This is my constant prayer and hope.

Another one of God’s mighty warriors has gone to sleep but the work of spreading the truth about God will continue as he has touched the lives of many and they in turn will pass it on.

May God richly bless you all and his Spirit be with you

Chris Johnson

Daniel Duda
Lance Pompe V Meerdervoort
Jennifer Zittrich
Vannary San, Elissa Kido
Iris and Lucas Mamier
Pine Knoll Publications
Latest Talks
The Picture of God in All 66
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Graham leads a book by book study through the entire Bible, asking of every story, teaching, and event, "What does this reveal to us about God?"